Susanne Frey
Primeiro nome(s): Susanne
Sobrenome(s): Frey

Publicações de Susanne Frey
Roland Schegg, Thomas Steiner, Susanne Frey and Jamie Murphy, Benchmarks of Web Site Design and Marketing by Swiss Hotels, in: Information Technology & Tourism, páginas 73 - 89, 2003
Roland Schegg, Susanne Frey and Jamie Murphy, E-mail Customer Service in the Swiss Hotel Industry (2003), in: Tourism and Hospitality Research, (4)3(197 - 212)
Roland Schegg, Jamie Murphy, Doina Olaru and Susanne Frey, The Bandwagon effect: Swiss Hotels’Web-site and E-mail Management (2003), in: Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 44(1)(71 - 87)
Roland Schegg, Susanne Frey and Thomas Steiner, Benchmarking Internet Use for the the Marketing of Swiss Hotels, in: Proceedings of the ENTER conference 2002, Innsbruck, Austria, Wöber, K.W., A.J. & & Hitz, M. (eds.) : Information and Communications Technologies in Tourism, Editor, Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, p. 294-302, 2002
Roland Schegg, Thomas Steiner, Susanne Frey and Jamie Murphy, Benchmarks of Website Design and Marketing by Swiss Hotels, in: Information Technology & Tourism, páginas 73 - 89, 2002