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Tim van Pelt
Vorname(n): Tim
von-Teil: van
Nachname(n): Pelt

Publikationen von Tim van Pelt
Michael Schumacher, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa, Ion Constantinescu, Tim van Pelt und Boi Faltings, Distributed Directories of Web Services, in: CASCOM: Intelligent Service Coordination in the Semantic Web, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2008
Michael Schumacher, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa, Ion Constantinescu, Tim van Pelt und Boi Faltings, Registering and Discovering Semantic Web Services in a Federated Directory System (2008), in: UbiCC Journal - Special issue of Coordination in Pervasive Environments, CPE - Special Issue
Michael Schumacher, Tim van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa und Boi Faltings, Discovering Semantic Web Services in Federated Directories, in: 9th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'07) , Funchal, Madeira - Portugal, 2007
Michael Schumacher, Tim van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa und Boi Faltings, Federated Directories of Semantic Web Services, in: 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Seoul, South Korea, 2007
Michael Schumacher, Tim van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa und Boi Faltings, WSDir: a Federated Directory System of Semantic Web Services, in: 16th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2007), Paris, France, 2007
Heikki Helin, Tim van Pelt, Michael Schumacher und Ahti Syreeni, Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications, in: European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06), Fribourg, Switzerland, GI-Edition, Germany, 2006