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Authors for topic Institute of Tourism (ITO)
- A
- Adjaho, Dario
- Adoue, François
- B
- Baer, Adriana
- Barbey, Valérie
- Barras, Tino
- Bender, Gabriel
- Berbeka, Jadwiga
- Beritelli, Pietro
- Bieger, Thomas
- Billen, Roland
- Bley, Daniel
- Borodako, Krzystof
- C
- Cantoni, Lorenzo
- Centeno Gila, Elia Adriana
- Chen, Joseph
- Chen, Rayfong
- Chiara, Bramani
- Cicille, Patricia
- Clivaz, Christophe
- Coll, Sami
- Collet, Claude
- Courvoisier, François
- Cretton, Fabian
- D
- D'Mello, Carmelita
- Del Giudice, Paola
- Délétroz, Nicolas
- Devanthéry, Ariane
- Diaz Perez, Flora
- Dickinger, A.
- Doctor, Marut
- Dubus, Nathalie
- Dubus-Viossat, Nathalie
- Duerr, Michael
- E
- Egger, Roman
- Emsellem, Karine
- Ergul, M.
- et al.
- F
- Favre, Pascal
- Ferry, Martine
- Fuchs, Matthias
- Fux, Michael
- G
- Gaillard, Thierry
- Garulla, Daniele
- Genoud, Dominique
- Gessner, Susanne
- Giauque, David
- Giovannetti, Emanuele
- Glassey Balet, Nicole
- Gretzel, Ulrike
- Grunder, Roland
- Guénette, Alain Max
- H
- Hamoudia, Mohsen
- Hashim, Noor Hazarina
- Hibon, Michèle
- I
- Imboden, Serge
- Inversini, Alessandro
- Ismail, Ahmad Fareed
- J
- Jacquenod de Zsögön, S.
- Jannach, D.
- Johnson, Colin
- K
- Kamat, Kaustubh
- Kanevski, Mikhail
- Kayser, B
- Keller, Peter
- Ketterer, Lea
- Klimek, Katarzyna
- Kullmann, Patrick
- Küng, Nicole
- L
- Laesser, Christian
- Larpin, Blaise
- Lavadinho, S
- Law, Rob
- Le Calvé, Anne
- Ling-Chen, Chang
- Liu, Zhan
- Liziard, Sophie
- Loubier, Jean Christophe
- Lugon, Ralph
- Luthe, Tobias
- M
- Maresch, Daniela
- Maria, Sokhn
- Matasci, Cecilia
- Matos-Wasem, Rafael
- Maurer, Christian
- Mechthild, Vogel
- Michlig, Roger
- Mistro, Suzana
- Moroni, Isabelle
- Mungall, Andrew
- Murphy, Hilary
- Murphy, Jamie
- N
- Neidhardt, J.
- Niemczyk, Agata
- P
- Pah, Jacob Ganef
- Pechlaner, Harald
- Perruchoud-Massy, Marie-Françoise
- Phillips, Paul
- Pillai, Subhash Kizhakanveatil Bhaskaran
- Pini, Giuseppe
- Pröll, B.
- R
- Resenterra, Fabien
- Revilloud, Marc
- Ricci, Francesco
- Rogers, Stephanie R.
- S
- Sant, Florian
- Santos Silva, Maria Manuela
- Saux, Eric
- Saviozzi, Cristina
- Scaglione, Miriam
- Schegg, Roland
- Schnyder, Marc
- Schuckert, Markus
- Schumacher, Michael
- Seweryn, Renata
- Siegrist, Dominik
- Siggen, Michaël
- Smeral, Egon
- Stangl, Brigitte
- Stock, O.
- Stumm, Nathalie
- Sylla, Aikaterini
- T
- Terwolbeck, Sigrid
- Thibaud, J-P
- Timonin, Vadim
- Trabichet, Jean-Philippe
- Traviglia, A.
- Trombitas, Mila
- Tussyadiah, Iis
- V
- Varini, Kate
- Voiron, Christine
- W
- Weiermair, Klaus
- Weil, M
- Werthner, H.
- Whyte, Ligia
- Winklin, Y
- Wyss, Romano
- X
- Xiang, Zheng
- Z
- Zanker, M.
- Zigan, Krystin
- Zimmermann-Sloutkis, D
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