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Blockchain Technology in the Tourism Industry: New Perspectives in Switzerland
Publicatietype: Artikel
Tijdschrift: Journal of Innovation Economics & Management 2022/1
Deel: 37
Jaar: 2022
Maand: Januari
Pagina's: 65-90
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3917/jie.pr1.0111
Samenvatting: Blockchain is often presented in the tourism industry as being a technology in a global approach that will enable the sector to make its digital transformation and bring a whole series of advantages, both financial and logistical. The reality is different, however. Indeed, research on Blockchain tends to focus on essentially technical aspects and takes little account of the customer experience in the sector in which it will be integrated. The aim of this exploratory research, based on 18 semi-directive interviews, is to understand the sociological obstacles to the adoption of Blockchain by tourism professionals in Switzerland. Our generalized findings are presented in the form of four research proposals that argue that, without the intervention of the State, it is hard to see how such disruptive innovation can radically change the highly fragmented tourism sector.
Trefwoorden: blockchain, tourism
Auteurs Fragnière, Emmanuel
Sahut, Jean-Michel
Hikkerova, Lubica
Schegg, Roland
Schumacher, Michael
Grèzes, Sandra
Ramseyer, Randolf
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