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When Smart Comes to Town: A Mobile Platform for Smart District Services
Tipo de publicação: Inproceedings
Booktitle: Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC)
Ano: 2018
Mês: January
Publisher: IEEE
Location: Las Vegas, USA
ISSN: 2331-9860
URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/doc...
DOI: 10.1109/CCNC.2018.8319316
Resumo: In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility and the main functionalities of a low-cost, nomadic platform for Smart District services. The goal of the platform is to enable the extension of Smart City services to smaller cities, to towns and into the countryside, bypassing the natural barriers through the use of services and vectors which are naturally cross-domain, such as public transportation vehicles, and moving people. the platform is based on mobile and opportunistic sensing, on crowdsensing, and on strategies for community engagement and co-creation mediated by a map-based crowdsourcing application. The demo will showcase the main components of the system, as well as a sample set of Smart District services supported by the platform.
Autores Rizzo, Gianluca
Liu, Zhan
Maria, Sokhn
Bocchi, Yann
Jara, Antonio J
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