Paolo Mancarella
Primeiro nome(s): Paolo
Sobrenome(s): Mancarella

Publications of Paolo Mancarella sorted by title


Maxime Morge, Jarred McGinnis, Stefano Bromuri, Paolo Mancarella and Kostas Stathis, An Argumentative Model for Service-Oriented Agents, Stanford University, California, USA, Proc. of the he International Symposium on Architectures, 2008
Maxime Morge, Jarred McGinnis, Stefano Bromuri, Francesca Toni, Kostas Stathis and Paolo Mancarella, Argumentative Agents for Service Oriented Computing, Springer-Verlag, Multiagent Systems and Applications: Practice and Experience, 2012



Maxime Morge, Jarred McGinnis, Stefano Bromuri, Francesca Toni, Paolo Mancarella and Kostas Stathis, Vers une architecture modulaire dagent argumentatif pour la composition de services, páginas 3342, P. Mathieu, Actes des 15me Journées francophones sur les systèmes multi-agents, 2006