Jialu Shan
Primeiro nome(s): Jialu
Sobrenome(s): Shan

Publications of Jialu Shan sorted by first author


Zhan Liu, Jialu Shan, Riccardo Bonazzi and Yves Pigneur, Privacy as a Tradeoff: Introducing the Notion of Privacy Calculus for Context-Aware Mobile Applications, in: Proceedings of the 47st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2014), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, páginas 1063-1072, IEEE Computer Society, 2014
  • []: ERA and CORE: rank "A" conference on Information Systems.

Zhan Liu, Jialu Shan, Nicole Glassey Balet and Gang Fang, Semantic Social Media Analysis of Chinese Tourists in Switzerland (2017), in: Information Technology & Tourism, 17:2(183–202)
  • []: SJR 2017 = 0.535 SNIP 2017 = 1.166
