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Pervasive Healthcare using Self-Healing Agent Environments
Publicatietype: In boek
Boektitel: Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems
Serie: Advances in Intelligent and Soft-Computing
Jaar: 2011
Uitgever: Springer Verlag
Samenvatting: Pervasive healthcare systems (PHSs) are required to be constantly available to the patients accessing them. To address this issue, in this paper we present an agent-based PHS that self-heals one or more of its parts when a service disruption happens. We propose a multi-agent system (MAS) approach that utilises coordination, planning and the notion of agent environment to create a distributed system capable to heal itself even if 50% of the system is not functioning due to external causes.
Trefwoorden: Intelligent Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, Pervasive Healthcare, Planning, Self-Healing
Auteurs Bromuri, Stefano
Schumacher, Michael
Stathis, Kostas
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
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