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A Comparative Analysis of Content in Traditional Survey versus Hotel Review Websites.
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Boektitel: Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2010
Jaar: 2010
Pagina's: 429-440
Uitgever: Springer-Verlag, Wien New-York
Aantekeningen: Proceedings of the enter Conference 2009, Lugano, Switzerland
Samenvatting: Increasingly customers publish their opinions or observations regarding tourism products on the internet. Amongst the various forms of publication one finds weblogs, online forums, and social networks. Websites with evaluations of hotels such as TripAdvisor or HolidayCheck are an industry specific form of expression of opinion. These review websites allow customers to express their opinion regarding the service offered during their stay by awarding points to pre-selected criteria or by publishing their comments. This abundant feedback can provide valuable information to service providers and help them to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their services. Whether these alternative sources of marketing research fulfil the quality criteria of classical marketing research has not yet been fully explored. In this contribution, the question asked is whether there are significant differences between the results provided by traditional marketing surveys and those provided by more alternative surveys using the web. The explorative analysis of the Swiss tourism destination Saas-Fee shows that the customers’ appraisals of the offers does not differ fundamentally between classical marketing research and the evaluations on review websites such as HolidayCheck and TripAdvisor. However, anonymous forms of assessment on customer evaluation portals or online questionnaires seem to lead to more critical results compared to classical face-to-face marketing research.
Trefwoorden: HolidayCheck, hotel review platforms, marketing research, Switzerland, TripAdvisor, user-generated content
Auteurs Schegg, Roland
Fux, Michael
Redacteurs Gretzel, Ulrike
Law, Rob
Fuchs, Matthias
Toegevoegd door: []
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