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Modeling Coopetition Dynamics Using Agent-Based Approaches
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Publication status: Accepted
Year: 2024
Month: September
Location: PuK September 2024, JMU Würzburg
Abstract: This paper presents an agent-based model that reproduces the results of previous work on coopetition in supply chains by Scherrer et al., titled Towards a Symbiotic Mutualism Through External Horizontal Supply Chain Integration[1]. The model simulates interactions between competing companies, defined as exchanges of market shares. The original results were successfully reproduced, and an enhanced version of the model was implemented. Additionally, a steady state analysis is provided that highlights how temporary steady states can be achieved between competing companies through collaboration.
Keywords: Agent-based modelling, coopetition, supply-chains
Authors Farouk, Beddiaf
Schumann, René
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  • scm_beddiaf_schumann_PuK24.pdf