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Crowdsourcing-Based Mobile Application for Wheelchair Accessibility
Art der Publikation: Artikel
Zeitschrift: Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities
Band: 5
Jahr: 2017
Monat: April
Seiten: 1-15
ISSN: 2330-4219
URL: http://hdl.handle.net/10211.3/...
Abriss: Creating an optimal travel plan is not an easy task, particularly for people with mobility disabilities, for whom even simple trips, such as eating out in a restaurant, can be extremely difficult. Many of their travel plans need to be made days or even months in advance, including the route and time of day to travel. These plans must take into account ways in which to navigate the area, as well as the most suitable means of transportation. In response to these challenges, this study was designed to develop a solution that used linked data technologies in the domains of tourism services and e-governance to build a smart city application for wheelchair accessibility. This smart phone application provides useful travel information to enable those with mobility disabilities to travel more easily.
Schlagworte: crowdsourcing, Linked Data, mobile application, mobility disabilities, semantic web, wheelchair accessibility
Autoren Liu, Zhan
Glassey Balet, Nicole
Maria, Sokhn
De Gaspari, Eline
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Gesamtbewertung: 0
  • Liu et al.(2017 CSUN).pdf