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The Use of Texture Based Radiomics CT Analysis to Predict Outcomes in Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
Publicatietype: Artikel
Citatie: SAG2018
Tijdschrift: The British Journal of Radiology
Deel: 92
Nummer: 1094
Jaar: 2018
Pagina's: 20180228
Auteurs Starkov, Pierre
Aguilera, Todd A.
Golden, Daniel
Shultz, David B.
Trakul, Nicholas
Maxim, Peter G.
Le, Quynh-Thu
Jr., Billy W. Loo
Diehn, Maximilian
Depeursinge, Adrien
Rubin, Daniel L.
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
  • bjr.20180228.pdf
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