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The Definition of Competitive Intelligence Needs through a Synthesis Model
Tipo de publicação: Inproceedings
Ano: 2015
Mês: March
Publisher: 7th International Competitive Intelligence Conference
Location: Strasbourg, France
Organização: Institute for Competitive Intelligence
Endereço: Korngasse 9, 35510 Butzbach, Germany
URL: http://conference.competitive-...
Resumo: Based on an exhaustive literature review, the researcher presents an historical overview of the topics of competitive intelligence, encompassing environmental scanning and key intelligence topics, namely the useful information able to justify the firm's strategic decisions, the early warning topics and the relevant elements of the competitors' business and the actors influencing the value system of the organization. Those findings belong to a doctoral study aiming at identifying the usefulness of data coming from open intelligence. The researcher presents on the one hand, an historical approach of the topics of competitive intelligence, and on the other hand, a comparative and synthesis approach of the theoretical and empirical literature regarding the definition of the needs and the use of competitive intelligence to foster innovation. Finally, this paper presents a synthesis model of the competitive intelligence topics able to guide the managers while facilitating the definition of their competitive intelligence needs.
Palavras-chave: Business Model Design, Competitive Intelligence, Information Needs, Strategic Management, veille stratégique
Autores Grèzes, Vincent
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