Publikationen von Andrew Mungall sortiert nach Titel
Air Traffic at Three Swiss Airports: Application of Stamp in Forecasting Future Trends (2005), in: Journal of transportation and statistics, Volume 8 Number 1(13 - 23) | und ,
Air Traffic in Three Main Swiss National Airports: Application of Stamp in Forecasting Future Trends (2005), in: Journal of transportation and statistics, Volume 8, Number 1(1 - 13) | und ,
Forecasting trends in Swiss Airports, in: 23nd International Symposium on Forecasting, Merida (Mexico), 2003 | und ,
Forecasts of air traffic and movements in the hubs of Northern Europe: a comparative study, in: 24nd International Symposium on Forecasting, Sydney (Autralia). In collaboration with Andrew Mungall, 2004 | und ,
Improving Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Hotels: The Swiss Experience (2001), in: Travel & Tourism Analyst, 5 | , , , , , , und ,
Shaping the future communication and marketing strategies for the senior citizien travelers: Implications of an exploratory study for Swiss tourism and hospitality service providers., The Hague Hotel School, Ecole Hoteliere Lausanne, 2009 | , und ,
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The combined effects of SwissAir bankruptcy and September 11 2001 on Swiss airports, in: US Transportation Research Board 2004 Annual Meeting. Washington. CD Proceedings, 2004 | und ,