Eliane Maalouf
First name(s): Eliane
Last name(s): Maalouf
Email: eliane.maalouf@hevs.ch
Institute: Information Systems (IIG)

Publications of Eliane Maalouf sorted by recency
Sokhn Maria, Alexandre Cotting, Eliane Maalouf and Arnaud Zufferey, From data to data’s transparency, in: Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, IFIP EGOV2015, pages 342-343, IOS Press, 2015
Sokhn Maria, Eliane Maalouf, Arnaud Zufferey and Florian Evéquoz, Energetic Dashboard: Driving decision making, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2014), ICEGOV 2014, 27-30.10.2014, Guimarães, Portugal, ACM Press, 2014
Eliane Maalouf and Sokhn Maria, Semantic based auto-completion of business process modeling in Government, in: INFORMATIK 2014 proceedings, BPM im Öffentlichen Sektor workshop at INFORMATIK 2014, 22-26.09.2014, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, pages 1107-1118, GI-Edition, 2014
Eliane Maalouf, Sokhn Maria, Anne Le Calvé and Fabian Cretton, Semi-Automatic Business Process Modeling for E-Government, eGov 2014, 1-3.09.2014, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, pages 237-243, IOS Press, 2014