- AI
- Applied Ethics
- artificial intelligence
- Augmented reality
- autonomous mobility
- Autonomous Passenger Shuttles (APS)
- Autonomous vehicles
- autonomous vehicles (AVS)
- AV Intentions
- AV-pedestrian interaction
- AV–Pedestrian Interaction
- Benchmarking
- Biometrics
- BPMN 2.0
- Business Process Management
- Business Process Management Systems
- citizen engagement
- Classes of Visual Signals
- Classification
- co-design
- communicating av intentions
- Comparative Study
- Comparison
- Compliance
- Context-Aware Environment
- conversation analysis
- Cultural heritage
- d3
- dashboards
- Data intelligence
- data mining
- Data Science
- data visualization
- débats publics
- decision making
- démarche participative
- Democracy 2.0
- Design Thinking
- Diagram Interchange
- digitalisation
- e-Government
- embodied interaction.
- Energetic dashboards
- ethics
- ethnography
- ethnomethodology
- ethnomethodology and conversation analysis
- faceted navigation
- gratitude
- Internet of Things
- Linked Data
- locomotion
- marketing
- Methodology
- Naturalistic studies
- oncology
- open data
- pedestrians
- personal information management (PIM)
- plateformes participatives
- Process Ontology
- Prototype evaluation
- public transport
- public transportation
- radiomics
- région périphérique
- Semantic Business Process Management
- semantic web
- sensors
- service design
- Service Oriented Architecture
- services
- social
- social interaction
- social media
- Sociology
- standardization
- Standards
- step-in-place
- temporal
- traffic
- transparency
- trust and transparency
- urban mobility
- Urban Public Transportation
- User Experience.
- User-Centered Design
- Video-based fieldwork
- virtual environment
- Virtual reality
- walking
- walking-pad
- XML Schema
Publications of Florian Evéquoz sorted by journal and type
| 1-50 | 51-57 |
Publications of type Misc
Design implications of repurposing a radiomics research platform for education: The case of QuantImage v2, 2024 | , , , , , and ,
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eGov Innovation Center : un nouveau centre de compétence pour la cyberadministration, 2012 | , , , and ,
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Case-study: eCH-BPM Starter Kit in the City of Sierre, Presentation given at the 3rd International Workshop on BPMN, 2011 | and ,
Web Site of MyIDea Multimodal Database,, 2005 | , , , and ,
Publications of type Phdthesis
Supporting Personal Information With Visual Facets, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2010 | ,
[URL] |
Publications of type Techreport
Waiting for the Miracle: Comparative Analysis of Twelve Business Process Management Systems Regarding the Support of BPMN 2.0 Palette and Export, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais), number IIG-TR 2011.03, 2011 | and ,
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An Ethnographically-Inspired Survey of PIM Strategies, University of Fribourg, DIUF, 2009 | ,
[URL] |
| 1-50 | 51-57 |