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MOOCS in local young tertiary universities : strategy and metrics
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Booktitle: conférence EDEN
Year: 2018
Month: June
Location: Gênes
Abstract: This paper exposes a use case concerning a policy for developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). This document presents the strategy adopted by the University of Applied Sciences, Western Switzerland , a 20 year old tertiary university based in Switzerland. After a description of the strategy, the paper details the means implemented, namely the local hosting platform stemming from a “Moocization” of Moodle, the methodology used for production and the Moocs developed. The metrics obtained since 2014, are consolidated, presented and analysed in the conclusion part of the paper.
Keywords: e-learning
Authors Salamin, Anne-Dominique
Russo, David
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Total mark: 0
  • Paper_E_Final_Named.pdf