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Approaches for Mapping E-Government Services
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Booktitle: Gemeinsam Electronic Government ziel(gruppen) gerechet gestalten und organisieren. Proceedings Gemeinsame Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik (FTVI) und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik (FTRI) 2014
Series: Lecture Notes in Informatics
Volume: 229
Year: 2014
Month: March
Pages: 97 -109
Publisher: Gesellschaft für Informatik
Location: Berlin
ISBN: 978-3-88579-623-7
Abstract: A process cartography, or process map, hierarchically classifies the pro- cesses of an organization into meaningful domains. It provides an overview of the operations in the organization, eases the identification of processes and facilitates the communication across departments. Switzerland has defined a unified cartog- raphy for E-Government Services (eCH-0145). In this work, we discuss ad- vantages and disadvantages of this cartography by comparing it to related work and applying it to map the processes of a Swiss canton in a proof-of-concept field study. Then, inspired from related work, we introduce the matrix cartography based on a meta-process describing E-Government Services. We provide initial ev- idence that the matrix cartography can be used as an alternative to eCH-0145. Fu- ture work will include further confirming the suitability of the matrix cartography in collaboration with Swiss public administrations.
Keywords: BPM, Classification, e-Government, Standards
Authors Delafontaine, Serge
Evéquoz, Florian
Schumann, René
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