{Towards fully automatic speech processing techniques for interactive voice servers}
Tipo de publicação: | Inbook |
Citação: | chol98:towards |
Journal: | Speech Processing, Recognition and Artificial neural network, proceedings of the 3rd International School On Neural Nets |
Ano: | 1999 |
Páginas: | 346 |
Publisher: | Springer Verlag |
ISBN: | 978-1852330941 |
URL: | http://www.amazon.com/Speech-P... |
Resumo: | Speech Processing, Recognition and Artificial Neural Networks contains papers from leading researchers and selected students, discussing the experiments, theories and perspectives of acoustic phonetics as well as the latest techniques in the field of spe ech science and technology. Topics covered in this book include; Fundamentals of Speech Analysis and Perceptron; Speech Processing; Stochastic Models for Speech; Auditory and Neural Network Models for Speech; Task-Oriented Applications of Automatic Speech Recognition and Synthesis. |
Palavras-chave: | Speech Processing, Speech Recognition |
Autores | |
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Adicionado por: | [] |
Total mark: | 0 |