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Micro Stockage Intelligent Distribué (MSID)
Tipo de publicação: Artigo
Journal: -
Ano: 2022
Mês: March
Páginas: 1
URL: https://www.swissolar.ch/20-na...
Resumo: The Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) MSID is a three-year project that brings together the interests of 4 distribution service operators (DSO). Their objectives include remote network stabilization (use cases 1 and 2), optimization of selfconsumption and co-creation of new business models to make photovoltaic storage profitable (use cases 3 and 4). This project aims to aggregate micro-storage systems (electric vehicles, batteries, heat-pumps, hotwater), test and demonstrate flexibility services. The SEIC-Teledis use case is highlighted in this poster. The objective is to optimise the self-consumption of production PV and manage remotely aggregated batteries.
Autores Wannier, David
Vianin, Jérémie
Alder, Jean-Marie
Pereira, Héléna
Carlos, Ferreira Da Silva Joao
Perrier, Loic
Clivaz, Paul-Alain
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  • MSID_Poster_PVTagung22.pdf