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2D-Based 3D Volume Retrieval Using Singular Value Decomposition of Detected Regions
Tipo de publicação: Inproceedings
Citação: GFS2014
Booktitle: Medical Computer Vision. Large Data in Medical Imaging
Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Ano: 2014
Páginas: 185-195
Publisher: Springer International Publishing
Location: Nagoya, Japan
Organização: MICCAI
Resumo: In this paper, a novel 3D retrieval model to retrieve medical volumes using 2D images as input is proposed. The main idea consists of applying a multi{scale detection of saliency of image regions. Then, the 3D volumes with the regions for each of the scales are associated with a set of projections onto the three canonical planes.The 3D shape is indirectly represented by a 2D{shape descriptor so that the 3D{shape matching is transformed into measuring similarity between 2D{shapes. The shape descriptor is de ned by the set of the k largest singular values of the 2D images and Euclidean distance between the vector descriptors is used as a similarity measure. The preliminary results obtained on a simple database show promising performance with a mean average precision (MAP) of 0.82 and could allow using the approach as part of a retrieval system in clinical routine.
Campos do usuário: MICCAI post-conference workshop: 26 Sept 2013
Palavras-chave: 2D-based 3D retrieval, image retrieval, region detector, singular value decompasition
Autores García Seco de Herrera, Alba
Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Antonio
Schiavi, Emanuele
Müller, Henning
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Total mark: 0
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