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A Dynamic Privacy Manager for Compliance in Pervasive Computing
Tipo de publicação: Inbook
Booktitle: Privacy Protection Measures and Technologies in Business Organizations: Aspects and Standards
Edição: 1
Capítulo: 12
Ano: 2011
Mês: December
Páginas: 285-307
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 9781613505014
URL: http://www.igi-global.com/chap...
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-61350-501-4.ch012
Resumo: In this chapter we propose a decision support system for privacy management of context-aware technologies, which requires the alignment of four dimensions: business, regulation, technology, and user behavior. We have developed a middleware model able to achieve compliance with privacy policies within a dynamic and context-aware risk management situation. We illustrate our model in more details by means of a small prototype that we developed, and we present the current outcomes of its implementation to derive some pointers for the direction of future investigation.
Autores Bonazzi, Riccardo
Liu, Zhan
Ganière, Simon
Pigneur, Yves
Editores Yee, George O. M.
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