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Digitalization: Training university professors and students with Flashlearns
Publicatietype: Artikel
Tijdschrift: Innovative Approaches to Technology-Enhanced Learning for the Workplace and Higher Education
Deel: 581
Jaar: 2022
ISSN: 2367-3370
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21569-8
Samenvatting: Microlearning offers an interesting training solution both for professionals and for university students. Short, brief, agile, the contents proposed in mi-cro-learning formats correspond to current learning modes. However, they serve certain types of knowledge better, and learning methods, such as dis-tance learning, are more favorable to this approach. This paper will briefly review the research in the field and will present a practical case of microlearning application at the university level. The uni-versity of applied sciences western Switzerland (HES-SO) has indeed de-signed a digital concept based on micro-learning to train professors and students on issues related to the use of digital means in the classroom. Called Flashlearns, these short training units embed video and are struc-tured and organized in a way that promotes learning. The paper describes the project, the instructional design and presents the results obtained. The pa-per concludes with some ideas for extending the project and opening new possibilities.
Trefwoorden: Digital competencies, distant learning, Micro-learning
Auteurs Salamin, Anne-Dominique
Redacteurs springer
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