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Towards Automated Contract Handling
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Year: 2018
DOI: DOI: 10.1109/WI.2018.000-4
Abstract: Starting from an example from the energy balancing domain within a network of trustful, but independent companies, we argue that the automation of the contract fulfillment, taking advantage of the potentials of smart contracts, provides the start- ing point for a more complete approach of an automated contract handling. Therefore, the research areas of automated negotiations (including the elicitation of negotiation strategies) and smart contracting, i.e. the automated creation of smart contracts, can be combined, to enable automation of the contracting and the contract fulfillment.
Keywords: Automated Contract handling , automated negotiation, Balancing, Energy Markets, smart contract
Authors Schumann, René
Dupont, Audrey
Betrisey, Yvan
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