Gérard Chollet
First name(s): Gérard
Last name(s): Chollet

Publications of Gérard Chollet sorted by title



Aurélien Mayoue, Bernadette Dorizzi, Lorene Allano, Gérard Chollet, Jean Hennebert, Dijana Petrovska and Florian Verdet, BioSecure Multimodal Evaluation Campaign 2007 (BMEC’2007), in: Guide to Biometric Reference Systems and Performance Evaluation, pages 327-372, Springer, 2009


Dijana Petrovska, Jean Hennebert, Dominique Genoud and Gérard Chollet, Semi-Automatic HMM-based annotation of the POLYCOST database, in: COST 250 workshop on Application of Speaker Recognition Techniques in Telephony, Vigo, Spain, pages 23-26, 1996
Benoît Fauve, Hervé Bredin, Walid Karam, Florian Verdet, Aurélien Mayoue, Gérard Chollet, Jean Hennebert, Richard Lewis, John Mason, Chafik Mokbel and Dijana Petrovska, Some Results from the BioSecure Talking-Face Evaluation Campaign, in: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 30/03/08-04/04/08, pages 4137-4140, IEEE, 2008


Dijana Petrovska, Jan Cernocky, Jean Hennebert and Gérard Chollet, Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Automatically Labelled Acoustic Segments, in: Advances in Phonetics, Proc. of the International Phonetic Sciences conference, Western Washington Univ., Bellingham, pages 129-136, 1998
Dijana Petrovska, Jean Hennebert, Jan Cernocky and Gérard Chollet, Text-Independent Speaker Verification Using Automatically Labelled Acoustic Segments, in: International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP 98), Sidney, Australia, pages 536-539, 1998