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Mobile Medical Image Retrieval
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Citatie: DDE2011
Boektitel: Medical Imaging 2011: Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications
Deel: 7967
Jaar: 2011
Maand: Februari
Pagina's: 79670G
Uitgever: SPIE
Locatie: Orlando, FL, USA
Trefwoorden: Content-based image retrieval, Image databases, information retrieval, information retrieval literature, Information Systems, Medical image analysis and retrieval, mobile devices, mobile information retrieval, Multimodal information retrieval and information fusion, User testing and task analysis
Auteurs Duc, Samuel
Depeursinge, Adrien
Eggel, Ivan
Müller, Henning
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
  • spie_mi_2011_samuel.pdf