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Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Boektitel: European Conference on EHealth (ECEH06)
Deel: Vol. P-91 of Lecture Notes in Informatics
Jaar: 2006
Maand: Oktober
Uitgever: GI-Edition, Germany
Locatie: Fribourg, Switzerland
Trefwoorden: eHealth, Intelligent Agents, mobile platforms, semantic web, Semantic Web Services, service directories
Auteurs Bergenti, Federico
Caceres, Cesar
Fernandez, Alberto
Fröhlich, Nadine
Helin, Heikki
Keller, Oliver
Kinnunen, Ari
Klusch, Matthias
Laamanen, Heimo
Lopes, António
Ossowski, Sascha
Schuldt, Heiko
Schumacher, Michael
Toegevoegd door: [UNK]
Totaalscore: 0
  • Mobile_ehealth_Applications.pdf