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Towards Semantic Modeling of Patient Trajectories for Rehabilitation of Osteoarthritis
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Citatie: ManzoEtAl:SWAT4HCLS2023
Boektitel: 14th International Conference on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences ({SWAT4HCLS})
Serie: CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Nummer: 3415
Jaar: 2023
Pagina's: 135--136
Adres: Aachen
ISSN: 1613-0073
URL: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3415/\#...
Gebruikersvelden: eventdate={2023-02-13/2023-02-16}, venue={Basel, Switzerland},
Trefwoorden: Natural Language Processing
Auteurs Manzo, Gaetano
Pocklington, Benjamin
Pannatier, Yvan
Gay, Cathy
Dhrangadhariya, Anjani
Carrard, Sophie
Hilfiker, Roger
Calbimonte, Jean-Paul
Redacteurs Yamaguchi, Atsuko
Splendiani, Andrea
Marshall, M. Scott
Baker, Chris
Bolleman, Jerven
Burger, Albert
Castro, Leyla Jael
Eigenbrod, Ole
Österle, Sabine
Romacker, Martin
Waagmeester, Andra
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
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