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Assessing radiomics feature stability with simulated CT acquisitions
Publicatietype: Artikel
Citatie: FJA2022
Tijdschrift: Scientific Reports
Deel: 12
Nummer: 1
Jaar: 2022
Maand: Maart
Pagina's: 4732
Samenvatting: Medical imaging quantitative features had once disputable usefulness in clinical studies. Nowadays, advancements in analysis techniques, for instance through machine learning, have enabled quantitative features to be progressively useful in diagnosis and research. Tissue characterisation is improved via the “radiomics” features, whose extraction can be automated. Despite the advances, stability of quantitative features remains an important open problem. As features can be highly sensitive to variations of acquisition details, it is not trivial to quantify stability and efficiently select stable features. In this work, we develop and validate a Computed Tomography (CT) simulator environment based on the publicly available ASTRA toolbox (www.astra-toolbox.com). We show that the variability, stability and discriminative power of the radiomics features extracted from the virtual phantom images generated by the simulator are similar to those observed in a tandem phantom study. Additionally, we show that the variability is matched between a multi-center phantom study and simulated results. Consequently, we demonstrate that the simulator can be utilised to assess radiomics features’ stability and discriminative power.
Auteurs Flouris, Kyriakos
Jimenez del Toro, Oscar
Aberle, Christoph
Bach, Michael
Schaer, Roger
Obmann, Markus
Stieltjes, Bram
Müller, Henning
Depeursinge, Adrien
Konukoglu, Ender
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