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Assessing the degree of ecological validity of your study: Introducing the Ecological Validity Assessment (EVA) Tool``
Tipo de publicação: Artigo
Journal: PsyrXiv
Ano: 2020
Mês: December
URL: https://psyarxiv.com/qb9tz/...
DOI: 10.31234/osf.io/qb9tz
Resumo: In cognitive neurosciences, fundamental principles of mental processes and functional brain organization have been established with highly controlled tasks and testing environments. Recent technical advances allowed to investigate those functions and their brain mechanisms in naturalistic settings. The diversity in those approaches has been recently (Matusz et al. 2019a) classified via a three-stage cycle including controlled laboratory, partially naturalistic laboratory, and naturalistic real-world research. Based on this cycle, we developed the Ecological Validity Assessment (EVA) tool to inform in an easy manner about the approach researchers have taken in their study. It enables objectively describing the study’s degree of ecological validity and its location on the cycle. EVA comprises eleven questions concerning study’s characteristics. It outputs a summary of those and a compass plot, which can be used for presentations, pre-registration, grant proposals, and papers. It would improve drawing conclusions across studies, and raising awareness for the generalizability of studies.
Palavras-chave: ecological validity, education, experiment, experimental design, naturalistic, neuroscience, real-world, rigour
Autores Naumann, Sandra
Byrne, Michelle
de la Fuente, Alethia
Harrewijn, Anita
Nugiel, Tehila
Rosen, Maya
Dziobek, Isabel
van Atteveldt, Nienke
Matusz, Paweł J
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