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Performance Modeling of Vehicular Floating Content in Urban Settings
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Boektitel: International Teletraffic Conference, ITC 29
Jaar: 2017
Maand: September
Uitgever: IEEE
Locatie: Genoa
Organisatie: IEEE
Samenvatting: Among the proposed opportunistic content sharing services, Floating Content (FC) is of special interest for the vehicular environment, not only for cellular traffic offloading, but also as a natural communication paradigm for location-based context-aware vehicular applications. Existing results on theperformance of vehicular FC have focused on content persistence,without addressing the key issues of the effectiveness with whichcontent is replicated and made available, and of what arethe conditions which enable acceptable FC performance in thevehicular environment. This work presents a first analytical model of FC performance in vehicular networks in urban settings.It is based on a variation of the random waypoint (RWP) mobility model, and it does not require a model of road grid geometry forits parametrization. We validate our model extensively, through numerical simulations on real-world traces, showing its accuracy on a variety of mobility patterns and traffic conditions. Through analysis and simulations, we show the feasibility of the FCparadigm in realistic urban settings over a wide range of traffic conditions
Trefwoorden: floating content
Auteurs Rizzo, Gianluca
Manzo, Gaetano
Marsan, Marco G Ajmone
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
  • itc_2017.pdf
  • []: Best Student Paper award