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E-voting : Enhance Digital native student interactions with a new voting activity in Moodle
Publicatietype: Proceedings
Jaar: 2017
Organisatie: European Distance and E-Learning Network
Samenvatting: This paper presents a new Moodle activity called “e-voting”. This activity brings wider interaction inside large face-to-face classes. The paper presents how interactions can be supported and enhanced by engaging students, and also by enabling professors to work on initial concepts in a flipped-class or distance learning contexts. This paper describes the three different pedagogical models, proposes scenarios to be used. It presents the e-voting activity on Moodle, its advantages, its functioning and availability for the Moodle community.
Trefwoorden: moodle plugins voting
Auteurs Salamin, Anne-Dominique
Russo, David
Hadorn, Christophe
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
  • Paper_EVoting_EDEN17.pdf