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QoS-Aware CAPEX Minimization in Urban Off-Grid Radio Access Networks
Publicatietype: Proceedings
Citatie: MASCOTS 2016
Jaar: 2016
Maand: September
Samenvatting: Network densification is currently seen as one of the key techniques enabling Radio Access Networks (RANs) to meet the performance and functional requirements of the 5G paradigm in urban areas. Avoiding the connection of small cells to the power grid facilitates their deployment and reduces both capital and operational expenditures (CAPEX and OPEX). In this paper, we propose an approach to enable net-Zero Energy Networking (ZEN) in urban scenarios, based on dynamically managing the operating point of Base Stations (BSs), so as to drastically decrease their overall energy requirements. More specifically, we formalize the problem of optimizing the CAPEX of a ZEN, while guaranteeing quality of service (QoS) and a given level of service availability. Optimization is over power system parameters (solar panel area, battery capacity) as well as over BS power levels and user association over time. We propose a practical algorithm for the derivation of QoS-aware spatio-temporal strategies in terms of user association and BS power allocation, which, for a given expected pattern of renewable power generation, minimize the probability of service unavailability due to power shortage. Through extensive simulations using measured data, and realistic BS deployments, we show that our algorithm leads to substantial reduction in CAPEX, and to feasible power system requirements.
Auteurs Rizzo, Gianluca
Marsan, Marco G Ajmone
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