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A Modern Web Interface for Medical Image Retrieval
Tipo de publicação: Inproceedings
Booktitle: Swiss e-health summit
Ano: 2014
Location: Bern, Switzerland
Resumo: This paper discusses the need for retrieval systems and interfaces in today’s rapidly growing medical imaging datasets. It then presents Shambala, a web-based frontend for an image retrieval system called ParaDISE (Parallel Distributed Image Search Engine). The Shambala application aims to provide a user-friendly interface for both novice and expert users and takes advantage of modern Web technologies to make the user experience interactive and engaging. The interface can be extended to other retrieval systems and is in the process of being integrated with alternative Human-computer interaction methods (such as motion sensors or speech recognition) to make it suitable for use in a sterile environment.
Palavras-chave: Medical image retrieval, Search Interfaces, Web Applications
Autores Schaer, Roger
Müller, Henning
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Total mark: 0
  • SGMI2014_Roger.pdf