Publicaties voor trefwoord "HMM"
Comparison of Global and Cascading Recognition Systems Applied to Multi-font Arabic Text, in: 10th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng2010), Manchester (United Kingdom), pagina's 161-164, 2010 | , , , en ,
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Impact of Character Models Choice on Arabic Text Recognition Performance, in: 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2010), Kolkata (India), 2010 | , , , en ,
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A Language-Independent, Open-Vocabulary System Based on HMMs for Recognition of Ultra Low Resolution Words (2008), in: Journal of Universal Computer Science, 14:18(2982--2997) | , en ,
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Duration Models for Arabic Text Recognition using Hidden Markov Models, in: International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation (CIMCA 08), Vienna, Austria, pagina's 838--843, 2008 | , , en ,
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Semi-Automatic HMM-based annotation of the POLYCOST database, in: COST 250 workshop on Application of Speaker Recognition Techniques in Telephony, Vigo, Spain, pagina's 23-26, 1996 | , , en ,