Stéphanie Missonier
Voornamen: Stéphanie
Achternamen: Missonier

Alle publicaties voor Stéphanie Missonier
Riccardo Bonazzi, Emmanuel Fernandes en Stéphanie Missonier, Gestion de projet, si on jouait sérieusement, in: 1ère journée d'innovation pédagogique de l'UNIL et de la HES-SO, 2013
Riccardo Bonazzi, Stéphanie Missonier, Dominique Jaccard, Pius Bienz, Boris Fritscher en Emmanuel Fernandes, Analysis of serious games implementation for project management courses, in: Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and Engineering, pagina's 491--498, Springer, 2012
Riccardo Bonazzi, Charlotte Ceccaroli en Stéphanie Missonier, The Man behind the Curtain: Exploring the Role of IS Strategic Consultant, in: Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops, pagina's 57--68, Springer, 2011