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Comparison of Global and Cascading Recognition Systems Applied to Multi-font Arabic Text
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Booktitle: 10th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng2010)
Year: 2010
Month: September
Pages: 161-164
Location: Manchester (United Kingdom)
DOI: 10.1145/1860559.1860591
Abstract: A known difficulty of Arabic text recognition is in the large variability of printed representation from one font to the other. In this paper, we present a comparative study be- tween two strategies for the recognition of multi-font Arabic text. The first strategy is to use a global recognition system working independently on all the fonts. The second strategy is to use a so-called cascade built from a font identification system followed by font-dependent systems. In order to reach a fair comparison, the feature extraction and the modeling algorithms based on HMMs are kept as similar as possible between both approaches. The evaluation is carried out on the large and publicly available APTI (Arabic Printed Text Image) database with 10 different fonts. The results are showing a clear advantage of performance for the cascading approach. However, the cascading system is more costly in terms of cpu and memory.
Keywords: arabic, HMM, image processing, machine learning, OCR
Authors Slimane, Fouad
Kanoun, Slim
Alimi, Adel
Hennebert, Jean
Ingold, Rolf
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