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A Descriptive Attribute-{{Based Framework for Annotations in Data Visualization
Art der Publikation: Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht
Zitat: vanhulst_descriptive_2019
Buchtitel: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Jahr: 2019
Seiten: 143-166
Verlag: {Springer International Publishing}
ISBN: 978-3-030-26756-8
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-26756-8_7
Abriss: Annotations are observations made during the exploration of a specific data visualization, which can be recorded as text or visual data selection. This article introduces a classification framework that allows a systematic description of annotations. To create the framework, a real dataset of 302 annotations authored by 16 analysts was collected. Then, three coders independently described the annotations by eliciting categories that emerged from the data. This process was repeated for several iterative phases, until a high inter-coder agreement was reached. The final descriptive attribute-based framework comprises the following dimensions: insight on data, multiple observations, data units, level of interpretation, co-references and detected patterns. This framework has the potential to provide a common ground to assess the expressiveness of different types of visualization over the same data. This potential is further illustrated in a concrete use case.
Autoren Vanhulst, Pierre
Evéquoz, Florian
Tuor, Raphaël
Lalanne, Denis
Herausgeber Bechmann, Dominique
Chessa, Manuela
Cláudio, Ana Paula
Imai, Francisco
Kerren, Andreas
Richard, Paul
Telea, Alexandru
Tremeau, Alain
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