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An Agent Framework for Dynamic Health Data Aggregation for Research Purposes
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Year: 2015
Month: May
Organization: IX Workshop on Agents Applied in Health Care, held in conjunction with AAMAS 2015
Address: Istambul, Turkey
Abstract: This paper presents a model of MAS framework for dynamic aggregation of population health data for the research purposes. The contribution of the paper is twofold: First, it describes the MAS architecture that allows one to built on the fly anonymized databases from the distributed sources of data. Second, it shows how to improve the utility of the data with the growth of the database.
Keywords: anonymization, Cooperative Agents, Dynamic Data Aggregation, Privacy, TuCSoN
Authors Dubovitskaya, Alevtina
Urovi, Visara
Aberer, Karl
Schumacher, Michael
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  • Dubovitskaya et al.pdf