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Design and implementation of innovation policy in a non-core region: First lessons learned from a case study in a region of Switzerland
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Serie: 5th NORSA Conference
Jaar: 2015
Maand: Januari
Locatie: Grimstad Technology Park, Norway
Organisatie: NORSA
Samenvatting: This paper presents the first lessons learned from the design and implementation of an innovation policy through the establishment of a Regional Innovation System in the non-core region of Valais (Switzerland) aiming at creating shared value-based business models. The applied research at the basis of this policy relies on a partnership between the Entrepreneurship & Management Institute of the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais Wallis), and the following local economic development agencies: the Valais Excellence company association, the regional brand Valais Wallis, the Valais Tourism Observatory, and the Regions- und Wirtschaftszentrum Oberwallis. Through this partnership, we apply an innovative and qualitative method aiming at co-creating innovative projects by integrating the participation of the academic, economic, politic and social environments.
Trefwoorden: Business Model Innovation, Innovation Policy, Regional Innovation System, SharedValue
Auteurs Grèzes, Vincent
Bürcher, Sandra
Perruchoud, Antoine
Toegevoegd door: []
Totaalscore: 0
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