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Serious game Gademavo: How to enhance students’ ability in taking decisions in a complex world
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Year: 2014
Month: June
Organization: EdMedia conference 2014 Tampere
Address: https://www.aace.org/conf/edmedia/
Abstract: The objective conditions are gathered in order to develop alternative training resources. Serious games represents a good example of a tool welcomed and appreciated by students stemming from the Digital Natives, while at the same time assuring progression in knowledge acquisition. The Gademavo game, developed by the e-learning Center HES-SO Cyberlearn, aims at providing students in the tertiary sector, with the competence expected for solving problems and decision-taking. This game relies on a space and graphic metaphor closely related to the professional contexts aimed at, and can be customized to the required courses. This paper briefly reviews the researches related to serious games and describes the Gademavo game.
Keywords: decision making, e-learning, serious game
Authors Salamin, Anne-Dominique
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