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Engineering Coordination: Identification of Coordination Mechanisms
Publicatietype: In proceedings
Boektitel: Advanced Agent Technology - AAMAS 2011 Workshops, AMPLE, AOSE, ARMS, DOCM3AS, ITMAS, Taipei, Taiwan, May 2-6, 2011. Revised Selected Papers
Serie: LNCS
Deel: 7068
Jaar: 2011
Pagina's: 164-186
Uitgever: Springer
ISBN: 978-3-642-27215-8
URL: http://link.springer.com/chapt...
Samenvatting: Abstract. The reuse of code and concepts is an important aspect de- veloping a multiagent system (MAS) and it is a driving force of agent- oriented software engineering (AOSE). In particular, the reuse of mech- anisms like coordination is fundamental to support developers of MASs. We will detail research done in the field of AOSE concerning the reuse of concepts and focus on the selection of suitable coordination mechanisms. The selection process for coordination mechanisms is, up to now, not covered in AOSE sufficiently. Therefore, we present the ECo-CoPS ap- proach that defines a structured process for the selection of coordination mechanisms for plan’s of autonomous agents, where the local autonomy, as well as, the existing planning systems can be preserved. We present a case study to detail how the ECo-CoPS approach can foster the selection process.
Auteurs Schumann, René
Redacteurs Deschesne, Francien
Hattori, Hiromitsu
ter Mors, Adriaan
Such, Jose Miguel
Weyns, Danny
Dignum, Frank
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