Special Session - SS05. Positive Economy and Territorial Development: Concepts, Challenges and Practices
Tipo de publicação: | Artigo |
Citação: | |
Publication status: | Submitted |
Journal: | Regional Studies Association - RSA Winter Conference |
Ano: | 2023 |
Mês: | November |
URL: | https://events.rdmobile.com/Li... |
Resumo: | The concept of a positive economy refers to an economy that aims at serving the common good, preserving the natural capital, and enhancing the well-being of present and future generations. It challenges the dominant economic paradigm based on short-term profit, growth and competition, and proposes alternative approaches that are more ethical, sustainable and resilient. It also implies a shift from a sectoral and functional perspective to a territorial and systemic perspective, where regions, cities and rural areas are considered as key actors and spaces for fostering positive economic initiatives. The aim of this special session is to explore the concept of positive economy and its implications for territorial development. It seeks to bring together theoretical and empirical contributions from different disciplines and perspectives. This special session consists of three subtopics: Conceptual framework of the positive economy. This subtopic aims to clarify the origins, foundations, principles and dimensions of this concept, as well as to situate it in relation to other alternative approaches of the economy. It also seeks to identify the theoretical and epistemological challenges that the positive economy poses for the social sciences in general and for the regional studies in particular. This subtopic will rely on the works of Attali (2013), who introduced the concept of positive economy, and will also mobilize contributions from the international literature on the notions of common good, sustainability and resilience, which are at the heart of positive economy (Ostrom, 1990; Sachs, 2015; Walker and Salt, 2012). It may also refer to the work of Felber (2019), who developed a model of economy for the common good based on ethical and democratic values, and who inspired many initiatives in the world. Research objectives. There are still theoretical and epistemological challenges to be met in order to consolidate this concept and make it operational for the social sciences in general and for regional studies in particular. For example, how does it relate to other alternative approaches of the economy (social and solidarity economy, circular economy, collaborative economy, etc.)? How can we measure the positivity of an economy or a territory? What are the relevant criteria and indicators? How can we link the positive economy with notions of the common good, sustainability and resilience? How can we integrate the diversity of cultural, institutional and geographical contexts into the analysis of the positive economy? Good practices at micro, meso and macro levels. This subtopic aims to illustrate the diversity of initiatives that fall under positive economy in different territorial contexts (regions, cities, rural areas). It also seeks to analyze the factors of success, limitations and impacts of these initiatives on social, environmental and economic level. This subtopic aims to identify concrete case studies from different regions of the world that testify to the implementation of positive economy in various domains such as energy, agriculture, tourism, culture or digital. It will also mobilize contributions from literature on territorial development, social and solidarity economy, circular economy or collaborative economy, which offer relevant frameworks of analysis to apprehend these initiatives (Becattini et al., 2009; Defourny and Nyssens, 2017; Lieder and Rashid, 2016; Sundararajan, 2017). Research objectives. There are few sources that have documented and shared good practices in this area, and there are still gaps to be filled and opportunities to be seized in order to analyze the success factors, limitations and social, environmental and economic impacts of these initiatives. For example, what are the good practices that illustrate the diversity of positive economic initiatives in different territorial contexts (regions, cities, rural areas)? What are the factors of success, limitations and impacts of these initiatives on the social, environmental and economic level? How can these best practices be adapted and reproduced in other contexts? How can we capitalize on and disseminate these best practices to public and private decision-makers? Future research needs to accompany the actors of change. This subtopic aims to define the priority axes, key questions, appropriate methods and relevant data sources to study positive economy and its effects on territories. It also seeks to identify the needs of actors of change (local authorities, social enterprises, associations, citizens, etc.) in terms of information, support and evaluation. This part may be inspired by the works of the Positive Economy Institute (2021), which developed indexes of positivity of territories based on a series of social, environmental and democratic indicators. It will also rely on contributions from literature on social change, social innovation and public policy evaluation, which are key domains to understand and support the transition towards a positive economy (Moulaert et al., 2014; Nicholls et al., 2015). Research objectives. Few sources have proposed avenues of research on this topic, except the report by Attali (2013). There are still needs to be identified and met to support change agents (local authorities, social enterprises, associations, citizens, etc.) in terms of information, support and evaluation. For example, what are the future research needs to accompany the actors of change in their transition towards a positive economy? What are the information, support and evaluation needs of these actors? How can we encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience between players? What tools and mechanisms are needed to support social and ecological innovation? How can we assess the social, environmental and economic impact of positive initiatives? Criteria for the call for papers Those interested in participating in the special session are invited to submit an abstract of their contribution (text only) by August 7, 2023. The abstract must meet the following criteria: It must be written in English and be up to 250 words long. It must indicate the title of the contribution, the name and affiliation of the author(s), and the contact e-mail. It must specify the part of the special session to which it relates (conceptual framework analysis, position papers, best practices). It should present the subject, problem, method and expected results of the contribution. Please submit your abstract through the RSA conference portal at https://lounge.regionalstudies.org/Meetings/Meeting?ID=471 by 7th August 2023. Abstracts will be considered and reviewed by the Special Session Committee against the criteria of originality, interest, subject balance and geographical spread. Abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee of the special session according to the following criteria: Relevance of the topic to the theme of the special session and the conference. Clarity and coherence of the problem, method and expected results. Originality and scientific interest of the contribution. Quality of writing and compliance with instructions. Authors of selected abstracts will be informed by e-mail. They will then be able to submit the full text of their contribution. Authors may participate by selecting an abstract only. Full papers may be selected for inclusion in a thematic collective publication/book. References Attali, J. (2013). A brief history of the future. Arcade Publishing. Becattini, G., Bellandi, M., & De Propris, L. (Eds.). (2009). A handbook of industrial districts. Edward Elgar Publishing. Defourny, J., & Nyssens, M. (2017). Fundamentals for an international typology of social enterprise models. Voluntas, 28(6), 2469-2497. Felber, C. (2019). Change everything: Creating an economy for the common good. Zed Books Ltd. Institute of Positive Economy. (2021). L’indice de positivité des territoires. https://www.institut-economiepositive.com/indices-de-positivite/territoires/ Lieder, M., & Rashid, A. (2016). Towards circular economy implementation: a comprehensive review in context of manufacturing industry. Journal of cleaner production, 115, 36-51. |
Palavras-chave: | positive economy, special session, sustainability |
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