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An Exploratory Comparison of Behavioural Determinants in Mobility Modal Choices
Art der Publikation: Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht
Buchtitel: Advances in Social Simulation
Nummer: 54
Jahr: 2019
Monat: September
Howpublished: Proceeding for The Social Simulation Conference (SSC) 2019
Notiz: Conference paper, presented at "the Social Simulation Conference (SSC)"
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-61503-1_54
Abriss: The rising demand for mobility in the 21st century creates a challenge for interdisciplinary researchers. As a result, the number of papers devoted to the application of agent-based technologies in the transportation engineering domain has grown enormously. However, there is still a need for modelling platforms that are capable of exploring the in- fluence of different psychological factors on individual decision-making. By utilising our current mobility simulator - BedDeM, we propose an experimental method to test and investigate the impact of core determinants in Triandis’ Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour on the usage of different transportation modes. Comparing the results with a calibrated population of Swiss household data, we conclude that Intention and Affect have a positive effect on the usage of private vehicles, while Habit and Social factors can encourage people to travel with public or soft transportation modes.
Schlagworte: Agent-based modelling, Behavioural theory, Modal choice simulation, Multi-Agent Systems
Autoren Nguyen, Khoa
Schumann, René
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  • khoa_2019_sss_paper.pdf