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Creating People-Aware IoT Applications by Combining Design Thinking and User-Centered Design Methods
Type of publication: Inproceedings
Citation: In: Proceedings of the IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, 14-16.12.2015, Milan, Italy
Year: 2015
Month: December
Abstract: This article presents a methodology based on design thinking and user experience design methods for creating what we call ‘people-aware’ IoT applications, where user needs, not technological opportunities, drive the development. This methodology is divided into 7 steps: discovery, capturing, research, design, prototype, evaluate and refine. The tools used include conventional user experience procedures such as problem identification, group brainstorming, surveys, or interviews, mixed with more IoT-specific design specificities. The results of the methodology include well-described and user-oriented scenarios meeting user’s needs and also a complete toolbox to assist the implementation and the testing of abovementioned scenarios in an IoT perspective. The article describes the methodology in detail with the help of a use case conducted in a business environment available for the project that leads to the identification and partial design of concrete people-aware IoT applications in the context of a smart meeting room.
Keywords: Context-Aware Environment, Design Thinking, Internet of Things, User Experience., User-Centered Design
Authors Fauquex, Milène
Goyal, Sidhant
Evéquoz, Florian
Bocchi, Yann
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