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Configuration of Hydro Power Plant Mathematical Models
Art der Publikation: Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht
Buchtitel: Energy Informatics: Proceedings of the Energieinformatik 2015
Serie: Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences
Band: 9424
Jahr: 2015
Verlag: Springer
Abriss: The ongoing energy transition towards large shares of renewable generation poses challenges for hydro power producers. We revisit the problem of optimising the operation of hydro power plants using mathematical modelling, but utilising computer science concepts in the design of the models and configuration of these models. In particular we use a configuration process based on the SPEA2 evolutionary algorithm to identify module based configurations of the model and explore the trade-off between the scale of the model and it's runtime. It is hoped that such methods can assist in identifying configurations that are the best fit in terms of runtime, realism and accuracy.
Autoren Barry, Michael
Schillinger, Moritz
Weigt, Hannes
Schumann, René
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