Shangri-La: Une interface Web pour la recherche basée sur des cas médicaux
Art der Publikation: | Konferenzbericht |
Zitat: | SGM2015 |
Buchtitel: | Annual Congress SGMI |
Jahr: | 2015 |
Abriss: | This paper describes the need that medical professionals have of quickly accessing information contained in large and ever-growing datasets. It discusses the importance of creating efficient and effective information retrieval systems in the medical domain and the advantages of using a multimodal search approach combining both text and visual information. It then presents Shangri-La, a Web interface enabling case-based medical search. This interface aims to simplify the access to relevant information for clinicians allowing them to gain time in their clinical workflow. The paper concludes with perspectives for the future of the developed interface. |
Schlagworte: | case-based retrieval, Search Interfaces, Web Applications |
Autoren | |
Hinzugefügt von: | [] |
Gesamtbewertung: | 0 |