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Leistungssteigerung von Patienten-Monitoring durch Compressive Sensing
Art der Publikation: Artikel
Zeitschrift: Swiss Medical Informatics
Band: 31
Jahr: 2015
Monat: September
URL: http://www.medical-informatics...
Abriss: Chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. These diseases can be treated but many of them cannot be cured. Therefore the patients need to follow a strict treatment plan and need to be monitored regularly. The development of mobile devices and the evolvement to use them as mobile, ubiquitous monitors for vital signs can and will lead to outpatient monitoring, reducing costs and increasing or at least, keep the quality of the life of the patients. COMPASS (COntinuous Multi-variate Monitoring of Patients Affected by chronic obstructive pulmonary diSeaSe) [1, 2] aims to develop a Personal Health System (PHS) [3, 4] which combines continuous monitoring of vital signs, data compression, interoperability and security with a predictive component. This work presents an approach which enables interoperability using standards like HL7 and data compression with compressive sensing [5].
Schlagworte: compressive sensing, COPD, eHealth, Interoperability
Autoren Hofer, Thomas
Schumacher, Michael
Bromuri, Stefano
Hinzugefügt von: []
Gesamtbewertung: 0
  • SGMI-Compressive-Sensing.pdf