Personal Information Management Through Interactive Visualizations
Art der Publikation: | Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht |
Zitat: | evequoz_infovis:2007 |
Buchtitel: | Poster Compendium of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference (Doctoral Colloquium InfoVis 2007) |
Jahr: | 2007 |
Monat: | October-November |
Seiten: | 158--160 |
Ort: | Sacramento, CA (USA) |
URL: | |
Nutzerfelder: | file={evequoz_infovis07.pdf:C\:\\Documents and Settings\\evequozf\\My Documents\\articles\\infovis07\\evequoz_infovis07.pdf:PDF}, owner={evequozf}, review={Author: Florian Evequoz Title: Personal information management through interactive visualizations Recommendation: Accept Comments: The described work deals with large collections of personal data, which need a way for quick and easy access. The current work looks promising, even though the description of the planned work is a bit short and rather vague. It seems that each type of data should be handled in a specific way, like thread views for email, quick browsing of images, etc., in addition to connecting views. The submission could use a proof-reading (if possible by a native English speaker), but overall is well done. Expanding a bit on the planned work would also be good.}, timestamp={2007.07.02}, |
Schlagworte: | |
Autoren | |
Hinzugefügt von: | [] |
Gesamtbewertung: | 0 |