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Antonio FG Skarmeta
First name(s): Antonio FG
Last name(s): Skarmeta

Publications of Antonio FG Skarmeta sorted by first author


Miguel Castro, Antonio J Jara and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Smart Lighting Solutions for Smart Cities, in: Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2013 27th International Conference on, IEEE, pages 1374--1379, 2013
Miguel Castro, Antonio J Jara and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Extending Terrestrial Logistics Solutions Using New-age Wireless Communications based on SunSPOT (2011), in: V International Symposiumon Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI


Antonio J Jara, Alberto F Alcolea, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Evaluation of the security capabilities on NFC-powered devices, in: Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications (RFID Sys Tech), 2010 European Workshop on, VDE, pages 1--9, 2010
Antonio J Jara, Pablo Lopez, David Fern'ndez, Benito Úbeda, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Interaction of patients with breathing problems through NFC in Ambient Assisted Living environments, in: Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2012 Sixth International Conference on, IEEE, pages 892--897, 2012
Antonio J Jara, Leandro Marin, Antonio FG Skarmeta, Dhananjay Singh, Gohel Bakul and Daeyeoul Kim, Secure Mobility Management Scheme for 6LoWPAN ID/Locator Split Architecture, in: Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2011 Fifth International Conference on, IEEE, pages 310--315, 2011
Antonio J Jara, Leandro Marin, Antonio FG Skarmeta, Dhananjay Singh, Gohel Bakul and Daeyeoul Kim, Mobility modeling and security validation of a mobility management scheme based on ECC for IP-Based Wireless Sensor Networks (6LoWPAN), in: Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2011 Fifth International Conference on, IEEE, pages 491--496, 2011
Antonio J Jara, Ricardo M Silva, Pedro Lopes, Jorge S Silva, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Mobility IP-based Protocol for Wireless Personal Networks in Critical Environments (2011), in: Wireless Personal Communications. Special Issue on Advances in Mobile IPv6 and Network-based Localized Mobility Management. Springer.“Pending to be published
Antonio J Jara, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, An architecture based on internet of things to support mobility and security in medical environments, in: Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2010 7th IEEE, IEEE, pages 1--5, 2010
Antonio J Jara, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Intra-mobility for hospital wireless sensor networks based on 6LoWPAN, in: Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC), 2010 6th International Conference on, IEEE, pages 389--394, 2010
Antonio J Jara, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Hwsn6: Hospital wireless sensor networks based on 6lowpan technology: Mobility and fault tolerance management, in: Computational Science and Engineering, 2009. CSE'09. International Conference on, IEEE, pages 879--884, 2009
Antonio J Jara, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, An architecture for ambient assisted living and health environments, in: Distributed computing, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, soft computing, and ambient assisted living, pages 882--889, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009
Antonio J Jara, Miguel A Zamora and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Secure use of NFC in medical environments, in: RFID Systems and Technologies (RFID SysTech), 2009 5th European Workshop on, VDE, pages 1--8, 2009


Leandro Marin, Antonio J Jara and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Shifting primes: extension of pseudo-mersenne primes to optimize ECC for MSP430-based future internet of things devices, in: Availability, Reliability and Security for Business, Enterprise and Health Information Systems, pages 205--219, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011
Cristina Sotomayor Martínez, Antonio J Jara and Antonio FG Skarmeta, Real-Time Monitoring System for Watercourse Improvement and Flood Forecast, in: Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, pages 311--319, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011